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Guestbook - Form

Enjoyable danceable memorable music.

- Janice Hinds on Fri, 2015-01-02 16:21

I am a latecomer to TM/TWT having only first heard their music about 8 years ago. Introduced by Dallas aquaintances toTM and TWT Go Uptown/How the West Was Swung Vol V. This is one of my favorite CDs ever. We cruise with it playing pretty loud and can't sit still for long. So glad for this will keep the music in my heart and head. On to the next TM/TWT CD purchase!

- Pam Taylor on Thu, 2014-10-16 09:40

Keep on swingin'

- John Monk on Mon, 2014-09-08 21:2

Howdy Craig! We hope this finds you well and on stage to keep it live for all Western Swing fans! Just heard "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" will be returning to Broadway in 2015. We're going if you're playing!

Still dancing!

Mike and Sarah Mabry



- Mike and Sarah Mabry on Wed, 2014-08-20 16:08

I teach C&W dancing in North Alabama. And Western Swing Music is always at the top of my list. My all-time favorite song is "San Antonio Rose." Long Live Western Swing!

- Sandra Behel Watts on Sat, 2014-08-02 09:28

I've lost track of Gary Van (swing band)

Can anyone help


- Marvin Christy on Tue, 2014-06-10 19:53

Hey Craig ,ya still sing great.

- Rudy Osborne on Fri, 2014-04-18 23:22

Craig: I don't know why it has taken me so long to find this guest book to tell you how much I cherish your friendship. You were a big help when I was president of the CSWM. Some tough times but with friends like you and Boatright, we made it through with flying colors. Keep up the entertainment,


- Froggy Worden on Wed, 2014-02-12 09:29

My husband, the late Dean Reynolds, played bass on this first recording. I remember the day he returned home, we sat in his car and listened to the tape. Dean said to me "this is the best work I've ever done Mama. The very best" He was very proud to have recorded with so many great musicians. Dean has been gone for 18 yrs now but the music lingers on doesn't it..

- Mrs Dean Reynolds on Mon, 2013-12-30 10:49

Greg,I would sure like to see you again at the Lincoln County Cowboy Symposium.

- Jim Bob on Sat, 2013-09-21 00:01

Daughter in law of the Late Great Tommy Morrell.

Wife of Tommy's deceased son Charles Thomas Morrell and

Mother of Tommy's namesake Charles Thomas Morrell III

- Cheri Morrell on Sat, 2013-08-31 14:56

GREAT to see this site still going. Some years back, I got HEAVILY into Tom's and Craig's and the TWTH's music, and it was a wonderful thing. I saw them a BUNCH of times, photographed them, ( some of my photos are on this site! ), questioned them, and endlessly asked them to autograph different items. Their friendliness and patience is something I will always treasure! I used to feel that I was seeing and hearing and experiencing something VERY SPECIAL. BROTHER, I WAS!!!!! RIP, you RASCALS!!!!! And long live the others!! THANK YOU for helping to improve my life!!!!!K

- Drew Knarr on Fri, 2013-08-16 19:34

Tom Morrell, the best, he didn't need a pedal steel. He played great guitar as well. He will be greatly missed. All the Top Hands are outstanding musicians. I had the honor of playing for Tom's benefit at the Long Horn Saloon in Fort Worth Texas. I'll never forget that, the musicians were all great. Keep up the good work on this site, people need to hear these guys.

- Virgil Watts on Sat, 2013-07-27 02:46

Love to see everyone write up and pictures, especially Tommy M's and Rich O'brians. Been trying to reach Vallery and Rich for a while. Please give him my phone number 918-791-8324.

- Jan Galbraith on Fri, 2013-07-05 16:58

Mr Chambers,

It was great seeing you in Ft Worth the other night. Now I understand your connection with Mark Mundy. He's the one who first turned me on to the Timewarp Tophands. Small world, my friend, and I'm honored and slightly embarrassed to have been in the presence of a legend. I look forward to crossing paths again soon!

Mark David Manders

- Mark David Manders on Sat, 2013-06-22 03:17

Love to swing dance - looking for possible venues in Oklahoma.

- Nancy Timmons on Mon, 2013-06-17 15:19

Loved this music, this breath of fresh air, this stroll through the high desert, for many years. So glad to see a site where I can check things out...and buy the rest of the music I could never find before.

Keep doing what you're doing...

- Greg Luff on Tue, 2013-05-21 13:46

What a wonderful site! It was recommended by a good friend in the music business and after visiting, I am now grateful, Love the music and still listen to my old album from the "Best Little Whorehouse" which I purchased many years ago. And yes...still have a record player. Just curious if there is a time frame on when there might be a schedule available, if any. Thanks for the great music and I look forward to more! Thank you.

- Judy on Wed, 2013-04-24 20:02

Great western swing. Great people. I met some of the boys at the gathering back in '05 in Ft. Worth.

- Bruce Weikleenget on Sun, 2013-03-31 09:16

A real boost for Western Swing.

- Bryce Baker on Tue, 2013-03-19 11:54

WR Records Logo

VIDEO for Our Friends

Click here to enjoy these fun, impromptu videos, shot in the recording studio in 2011 when we first began recording for our upcoming compact disc release, dedicated to the memory of Tom Morrell - features Leon Rausch, Rich O'Brien, Craig Chambers, Greg Hardy, Johnny Case, and other Time Warp Tophands.


ALWAYS Under Development

We have a whole new look and lots more music, history, photos, information and merchandise on our new website. We ask that you come back often to watch this site grow and change. Sign the Guestbook... and heck, Buy a CD while you're here.

Please tell your friends and fellow Western Swing music lovers, that we now have a completely new and always changing experience for them to enjoy here at Western Swing .net.

Oh ...And a tip o' the hat to ya' for visiting.

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