

Welcome To The Outer Barnyard of The TOPHAND GENERAL STORE

Please Choose What's Behind...

When you have finished with your visit through the first set of old barn doors, please come back and choose another door, or, use the "Merchandise" drop-down menu at the top of the page.


If you have never used a shopping cart or would like more information on the optional methods that you can use to order, or how your orders will be processed and shipped...

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VIDEO for Our Friends

Click here to enjoy these fun, impromptu videos, shot in the recording studio in 2011 when we first began recording for our upcoming compact disc release, dedicated to the memory of Tom Morrell - features Leon Rausch, Rich O'Brien, Craig Chambers, Greg Hardy, Johnny Case, and other Time Warp Tophands.


ALWAYS Under Development

We have a whole new look and lots more music, history, photos, information and merchandise on our new website. We ask that you come back often to watch this site grow and change. Sign the Guestbook... and heck, Buy a CD while you're here.

Please tell your friends and fellow Western Swing music lovers, that we now have a completely new and always changing experience for them to enjoy here at Western Swing .net.

Oh ...And a tip o' the hat to ya' for visiting.

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