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Tom was one of my inspirations and I was lucky enough to talk with him over the phone a few times from here in Sydney, Australia. The whole TimeWarp Tophands series is fantastic - a great credit to Tom, all the great players and I hadn't visited this site for quite a while and I was really happy to see the photo galleries as well as the personnel biographies. I happened to return here through having seen those couple of YouTubes of a video made in 1994 posted by Mike Neer. Fantastic videos with Tom & Leon playing at their peak.

Thanks for the site


- Graham Griffith on Mon, 2013-02-11 15:23

The king's of swing are in Heaven! Play it Tommy! Love you Dad!

- Little Bert on Thu, 2013-02-07 23:40

Hi.. I'm looking for information about R B Ferrier who fronted the Corduroy Cowboy Company during the 70s in Dallas... Tommy Morrell played steel with us some and I saw his name on your site when I googled it but can't find it in the site? I know that R B and Tommy have both passed away...

- Walter McDonald on Wed, 2013-01-09 13:44

Site looks great...

- Johnny Cox on Wed, 2012-11-21 00:47

One of the most wonderful bands of the age. Thank you all so much for the great music; only wish I`d discovered you earlier, and had a chance to thank some of the gentlemen who have passed while they were still alive.

- Mike Anderson on Mon, 2012-10-15 14:39

Just lonesome for good music

- Buddy Carpenter on Fri, 2012-10-05 10:33

Glade to have you aboard, LOVE that WESTERN SWING.....................Jay

- Jay Riley on Sat, 2012-09-29 15:35

just checking your schedule to see if there is an event in Sacramento

- Victoria on Sat, 2012-09-29 14:28

I was a neighbor of Toms by Lake Lewisville for the last 15 years of his life. Most people who knew him then were unaware of the extent of his past contributions in life. Thank You for sharing this information, as many of us who knew him in the late years enjoy it.

Jerry Fuller

- Jerry Fuller on Sun, 2012-08-26 09:55

I want to admit your clarity broadened my sentiments and I will at this time grab your rss to remain seated updated on any new posts chances are you'll possibly make.

- Robert on Tue, 2012-07-31 22:23

Hello! It's my first time to visit your webpage. And i love it. Enjoy your theme and the quality of every content to have it here. Fresh and new ideas and thoughts. Thanks for sharing your quality of time and effort for making this.

- Dante on Sun, 2012-07-29 12:30

Great little sight HERE ! It puts a lot of loose ends together for me with regards to the investments of the master craftsmen who synergisticly put together this high end western swing sound. I look forward to continued study of the sight data as a resource to my understanding this high end sound to the Western Swing !

- Dave Summers on Mon, 2012-07-23 11:20

Yeah Boy!

- Mike Black on Thu, 2012-07-19 19:01

We are looking forward to your new CD, or maybe we've just been missing all of you. One thing is for sure, we miss Tommy Morrell. Hope to see all of you again soon. We love all of you. Best of everything to you. Mark & Betty

- Mark & Betty Smith on Sun, 2012-07-15 20:10

God bless the Western Swing music

- Antenor Gandra on Tue, 2012-06-26 15:23

Hi, my name is Cheryl... I am Tommy's youngest daughter. I just wanted to say happy Fathers Day dad, and I miss you very very much. You're in my heart and prayers always... love, Cheryl n Jerry.... from New Orleans.

- Cheryl n Jerry Morrell on Fri, 2012-06-15 19:52

Hi All!

I'm an old italian cat living in Switzerland and...

Tom Morrell was, is and always will be my IDOL!!!!

Thanks Tom for your Music!

Best Regards

"Cat" Marino

- Marino Galli on Sun, 2012-06-03 09:00

Tommy played several gigs with my band "Corduroy Cowboy Company" in the mid 70s and recorded a fabulous fill for the tune R.B. Ferrier wrote: "I just want to be a Cowboy Twinkie". It's great to see that these CDs are available.

- Rick on Wed, 2012-05-30 22:12

we love you to`

- Diablo 3 Gold on Thu, 2012-05-17 02:09

I play 5 string mando out in Cauliflowernia and can't get enough of this Hot Stuff!!

- Dave Mcclellan on Sat, 2012-05-05 19:25

WR Records Logo

VIDEO for Our Friends

Click here to enjoy these fun, impromptu videos, shot in the recording studio in 2011 when we first began recording for our upcoming compact disc release, dedicated to the memory of Tom Morrell - features Leon Rausch, Rich O'Brien, Craig Chambers, Greg Hardy, Johnny Case, and other Time Warp Tophands.


ALWAYS Under Development

We have a whole new look and lots more music, history, photos, information and merchandise on our new website. We ask that you come back often to watch this site grow and change. Sign the Guestbook... and heck, Buy a CD while you're here.

Please tell your friends and fellow Western Swing music lovers, that we now have a completely new and always changing experience for them to enjoy here at Western Swing .net.

Oh ...And a tip o' the hat to ya' for visiting.

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